Privacy Policy

Tab Memo (hereinafter referred to as "this App"), the provider of this App (hereinafter referred to as "Developer") respects the privacy of the users of this App (hereinafter referred to as "Users") and is committed to protecting their personal information. This Privacy Policy describes how this Application collects, uses, and protects Users' information.

Collection of Personal Information

This Application does not collect any personal information from the User. Any data entered by the user when using this application will only be used on this application and will not be transmitted to the server.

Advertisement Delivery

This Application may use the Google AdMob platform to serve ads; Google AdMob may use ad IDs stored on the User's device to serve appropriate ads to the User. Users may reset their ad IDs or disable ad personalization based on their ad IDs through their device settings. For more information, please refer to Google's Privacy Policy.

Data Protection

This application uses the data entered by the user only within this application and does not transmit it to the server. Even if the user loses the device or the device is stolen, the data stored in this application is retained only within this application and will not be accessed by third parties.

However, this application relies on the security of the device. Users are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to their data by setting security features such as passwords and fingerprint recognition on their devices. The App is not responsible for damage to the device or loss of data. Users are encouraged to back up important data on a regular basis.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

The Developer reserves the right to review and update this Privacy Policy from time to time. If there are any changes, we will notify you of the changes within this Application or on the Developer's website. Your continued use of the Application after any changes are made will constitute your acceptance of those changes.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments regarding the privacy policy of this application, please contact us through this Google Form.